Indeginious Devices |
Pictorial is a multimedia based educational tool for people affected with Cerebral Palsy, currently supporting Bengali, Hindi, Nepali and English Languages. |
The software comes with a large database of icons ( illustrations or images of various objects, ideas, actions and events), and associated audio files in vernacular languages. The Icons have been developed by IICP, Kolkata. Using these icons, the teachers can design Communication Boards of innumerable themes for individual students, which they can take print outs of as well as keep a soft copy for future use. The Software provides facility to search the icons from the database and create Themes. A Themes is a grid comprising related icons with Text / Audio. The Students can select and click on the Cells in a Theme to create expressions / sentences. For navigation and selection the Students can use specially designed Hand / Foot Switches. |
People affected with Cerebral Palsy are often unable to operate computers with the regular mouse; instead they take aid of assistive devices like specially designed switches. Studies have revealed that these assistive devices are not manufactured in India, and are mostly imported , which means that not every child is able to access one such device. Keeping this in mind, we felt the need to indigenously design and manufacture such assistive devices. |
WML Pictorial Software comes with a set of special switches, designed and manufactured by our technical team. The user can operate the software using two switches, one for scanning the icons, and the other for selecting. The user can also operate using one switch, which will require enabling of the auto-scan option. |
Foot Switch is an assistive device for people affected by Cerebral Palsy whose control on Foot movement is better that Hand movement. Unlike Hand Switch, it is operated by Foot. The device comes with two Switches mounted on a pedestal. One switch is for navigation and the other performs the selection. The operations are exactly same as Hand Switch. |
VOCA is a useful device for people affected with cerebral palsy or sick people in the nursing home. It has the facility to record and play audio messages. Messages are recorded and stored in it, any disable person can use those messages by pressing keys as per their need. It is Portable, rechargeable and Ni-Cd battery operated system. 16 messages can be stored and refreshed according to their need. Instant recording through built-in microphone or through Line in is also possible. It has auto power cut facility to reduce power consumption. |
GUPSHUP is an essential and useful handy Voice Output Communication Aid, for the children affected with Cerebral Palsy, developed in association with Indian Institute of Cerebral Palsy, Kolkata. The gadget is useful as icon based educational tool and also for communicating requirement of daily needs. GUPSHUP can store 4 messages related to 4 buttons. |
Communication Devices Developed at vidya sagar |
AVAZ is India’s first commercially available Augmentative and Alternative Communication — AAC — device. It enables people with disabilities like cerebral palsy, autism, mental retardation and speech disorders to communicate. AVAZ converts limited muscle movements into speech. |
AVAZ helps non-verbal children communicate with their parents, teachers, friends and caregivers. It enables them to convey virtually any thought in their mind. It is a handheld communication aid for children with various disabilities. The device features purpose built software, a patented contact less input peripheral device housed in an embedded device retailing at about 1/5th the price of comparable devices abroad. |
ADITI A non-contact switch |
ADITI is a non-contact switch designed for children who had limited movements or poor tactual sensitivity making the traditional solutions inadequate. The switch imitates the left mouse click by sensing the proximity of the human body to the metal plate. It has an activation range of about 6 inches and a single tone sound that tells the user that the switch has been activated. The audio feedback was particularly useful as many children have poor tactual feedback and are unable to tell if they have actually pressed a switch when they used traditional switches. Kids are using it easily as a head switch and are able to use parts of their bodies (like their toes or elbows) that they can't see as the audio feedback tells them when they have activated it. |
In partnership with the Mindtree Foundation and IIT-Madras, we are o manufacturing ADITI at a low cost. |
Slate |
A picture based communication system which enables a non verbal person to communicate .It is great boon for all those who have language impairment. The voice output software is easy to install and it is user friendly. The software has been developed by 99&1 DESIGN in collaboration with Vidya Sagar, Chennai. |
Indigenous Assistive Technology |
VIDYA SAGAR - Affordable communication software - SLATE |
VIDYA SAGAR - Production of AVAZ - End user benefited from Corporate social responsibility